Optimise your Health and our Oceans with Kelp!

Optimise your Health and our Oceans with Kelp!

Are you ready to unlock the wonders of kelp for your health and the environment? 

Even mainstream media has been publishing opinion pieces on the incredible benefits of the wonderful Protist, both for our wellbeing and the planet. 

A Sustainable Superfood

Kelp makes great waves as a sustainable superfood. It’s a fast-growing, low-maintenance crop loaded with nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. When its freeze-dried kelp retains its nutritional value and is shelf stable.

Kelp’s potential extends far beyond our plates. It can replace plastics, help combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. It’s also a natural habitat for marine life and aids in cleaning our oceans from pollutants. 

Kelp for Thyroid Health and Natural Immunity

Kelp is rich in iodine and an essential nutrient for thyroid health. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism and supports overall wellbeing. Incorporating pure kelp into your diet can ensure you get the iodine your thyroid needs, promoting optimal function and a robust immune system.

By embracing seaweed as a superfood and learning sustainable cultivation methods, we not only boost our health but also contribute to a greener, more resilient future. So, why not make pure kelp a part of your daily routine? It’s an ancient remedy that can lead to a healthier you and a healthier planet.

At Grassland Nutrition, we ethically harvest kelp from the pristine shores of Marrawah, Tasmania. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that we harness the benefits of kelp while preserving the beauty of our natural environment.  Our unique Kelp Crunch is a great way to add the much needed daily iodine levels your body craves that our modern eating habits lack. Energy formula liver and kelp blend is available in capsule and powder form.

Here’s a candid and creative review from one of our customers in the United States. If the author sees this, we appreciate the effort you’ve taken to share your feedback.

There are a number of products offering ‘Grass Fed Beef Liver’ from either Australia or New Zealand. Some offer a larger quantity of liver powder per dose as others are unreasonably costly. Since neither Australians nor New Zealanders are irresponsible producers, I want to believe that products offered in North America are top-notch beef liver from either Australians or New Zealanders.

Please, pay attention to the following:

My research on nutrients that our bodies ~and that of our pets~ need to work as intended by Mother Nature led me to learn that there is a small gland that needs a particular nutrient to do her critically important job. The name of the gland is THYROID. She produces and releases Thyroid Hormones which control vitally important functions in our bodies. That gland ~that looks like a butterfly~ periodically requires healthful quantities of a nutrient known as IODINE.

The reason why I elaborate on that gland’s needs is because only one product ~that I know of~ add a good quantity of Iodine provided by kelp to the beef liver that they offer. That product is ‘Grassland Beef Liver WITH KELP.’

I will not elaborate on medical matters, but I will mention that health matters can complicate when the Thyroid Gland does not receive the nutrients that she needs.

Down To Earth Reviewer

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Pay Attention To This

Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2023

Verified Purchase

Join the Kelp Revolution

By incorporating kelp into our diets, we not only enhance our health and immunity, but also contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future. 



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