The Surprising Benefits of Beef Liver and Kelp Supplements for Migraine Sufferers

“Recently, while listening to ABC and C7, that both aired a segment on migraines, which affects 1 in 5 Australians or 4.9 million people, resulting in losses of 35 billion dollars a year. And clam, there is NO CURE.

As someone who USED to suffer from migraines, I thought sharing my story might help others.

Back in 2014, my family, who had a background in health and nutrition, was exploring the use of freeze-dried beef liver and kelp as dietary supplements due to a worldwide deficiency of Vitamin B12 and Iodine.

Around the same time, our son Olaf returned from overseas including the US, where he among other influential people met Dr. David Perlmutter, a renowned neurologist and advocate for a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet. 

Olaf convinced my wife and I to gradually adopt a LCHF diet, cutting out sugar, grain products, potatoes, and adding healthy fats like coconut oil, animal fat, olive oil, dairy cream, butter, and full-fat cheese, while avoiding seed oils such as soy and canola.

After about six months I thought, had there actually been any significant improvements in my health? Then I realised that I hadn’t had a migraine in a long time. I had suffered from migraines for 50 years, taking one day off a week and the following day wasn’t good either.

It turned out that the change in diet and supplementing with our liver and kelp products had done the trick. Later, I learned that a scientist had discovered that Vitamin B12 and associated B vitamins had the potential to reduce migraines by 50% (Mercola).

Now at 79, I haven’t had a single headache in over 8 years and feel as healthy and fit as ever. If you think I can be of any help, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions related to my story.

Just visit and contact Kel.”

Now at 79, I haven’t had a single headache in over 8 years and feel as healthy as ever. 

I’d like to help others through this experience and I’d be delighted to answer any questions related to my story.”

Get in touch? Contact Kel.


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